Salesfire &
Charles Clinkard

Driving on-site engagement and growing email subscribers at an unprecedented scale.


increase in email subscribers


of new data entries go on to submit their SMS data

Introducing, Charles Clinkard

Charles Clinkard has been providing high-quality footwear for 100 years. Today the third-generation family-owned business has grown to 42 locations across the UK, with Charles Clinkard’s headquarters still located in the town where it all began, Middlesbrough.


With footwear collections catering to men, women and children, Charles Clinkard maintains its reputation for high-quality shoes and outstanding customer service thanks to a team who are passionate about working meticulously to provide the best footwear for all the family.


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The solution

When analysing Charles Clinkard's current strategy, the company faced a common challenge: how to effectively capture valuable customer data while simultaneously enhancing user experience. Their legacy data capture method was falling short in engaging new customers and maximising sign-up rates for their mailing list.


By harnessing the power of Salesfire’s data capture technology, Charles Clinkard witnessed a remarkable 51% increase in the number of email sign-ups for their mailing list within the first few days, as demonstrated in the graph.

This surge in data capture not only enriched their customer database but also laid the foundation for more effective retargeting campaigns and personalised marketing initiatives.


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“At Charles Clinkard, we were looking at cost-effective ways to increase our email database and Salesfire told us they could help. They have been very supportive throughout the process helping with both the execution of the strategy and providing the creatives. They are always really quick to respond to any changes or suggestions we have, which makes them a great team to work with.”


Rachel Clinkard, eCommerce Director at Charles Clinkard

Find out how you can increase your eCommerce revenue and maximise on-site engagement.