Life after third-party cookies: Capturing more first-party data

  • Cookie

    Google Chrome will eliminate third-party cookies by early 2025. That means 98% of visitors will be lost forever unless they purchase, leaving you unable to retarget them to encourage future purchases. Unless you do something about it now.

  • Data

    By implementing Salesfire technology we can capture more first-party visitor data than any other provider.

  • Overlays

    To prove what we can do, we’re offering a limited number of retailers a one-month free trial of Salesfire to catapult their data capture strategy.


Life after third-party cookies: Capturing more first-party data

  • Cookie

    Google Chrome will eliminate third-party cookies by early 2025. That means 98% of visitors will be lost forever unless they purchase, leaving you unable to retarget them to encourage future purchases.

    Unless you do something about it now.

  • Data

    By implementing Salesfire technology we can capture more first-party visitor data than any other provider.

  • Overlays

    To prove what we can do, we’re offering a limited number of retailers a one-month free trial of Salesfire to catapult their data capture strategy.

How do we do it?

Grow email subscribers at an unprecedented scale

First-party data will dominate as third-party cookies become redundant. Growing your email address collection is crucial to building lists for future retargeting, and that’s where Salesfire can help. Salesfire’s technology will catapult email collection across your site by triggering at the perfect moment.

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Better understand your website visitors

By implementing our ID Meshing technology, we can then better track and profile every visitor to your website. By more effectively understanding customer behaviour you can hyper-personalise your retargeting to re-engage a sale.

Future-proof your retargeting strategy

By collecting email subscribers at an unprecedented scale, we reduce your reliance on third-party cookie-based channels and provide you with a list of first-party data to future-proof your retargeting strategy.

Three devices

Trusted by

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Salesfire and LD Mountain Centre

LD Mountain Centre came to Salesfire to catapult its data capture strategy. Utilising our technology we captured email addresses at optimum moments, growing LD Mountain Centre’s email subscriber lists at 5.6x the rate of their previous platform.

Frequently asked questions

Trusted by leading brands, Salesfire provides retailers with intelligent customer journey optimisation solutions that lead shoppers through the buying journey and retain them within the ecosystem, working to minimise bounce rates, capture data and drive customers towards sales.

You will always have access to the email subscribers and data you capture through Salesfire even if you decide not to continue after your trial.

Salesfire can be live on your site within minutes. Our single line of code integration enables you to grow your email subscribers in a few simple steps.

Easy integration, no tech-hassle, just results

By submitting the form you agree to be contacted to arrange a demo and receive marketing communications from Salesfire. You can unsubscribe at any time. See our Privacy Policy for full details.