Cart Abandonment Masterclass: Optimising Online Fashion Sales


Cart Abandonment Masterclass: Optimising Online Fashion Sales

This session covers:

  • Frame 7452

    How cart abandonment affects fashion retailers and how much revenue your business could be losing due to cart abandonment.

  • Frame 7453

    The data-driven solutions you can use to optimise frequent drop-off points on your site.

  • Frame 7454

    The re-targeting strategies you should consider to recover abandoned carts.

Your speakers

Sophie W

Sophie Walker

Content Marketing Executive

Beth L

Bethany Llewellyn

Email Marketing Manager

Simplify recovery, combat cart abandonment for good.

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What you'll learn:

The current cart abandonment rate sits at 78% within fashion eCommerce causing significant revenue loss for retailers each year.


In this 30-minute masterclass, our experts will delve into:

  • How the online landscape is impacting the cart abandonment issue.

  • Expert tips and tricks for encouraging conversions on-site.

  • How to maximise the value of each shopper and recover lost revenue.

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