Recover sales with Email Sequences

Convert one-time website visitors into lifetime shoppers with Salesfire’s Email Sequences. Deploy targeted emails based on a shopper's on-site behaviour to reduce basket abandonment, present further upsell opportunities and capture high-quality email subscribers.

Intelligently automated emails


Re-engage lost visitors

Every customer journey looks different. Send relevant emails to support each shopper, whether you’re reminding them of their abandoned basket or confirming voucher codes.

Grow your email data

Boost your email capture efforts with Overlays. Optimised to appear at key touch points in the on-site journey to maximise email sign-ups and increase customer lifetime value.


Build effective emails with ease

With pre-built templates and an effortless email builder, Salesfire understands the variables that maximise email engagement to accelerate shoppers through the buying process. Embed Salesfire Recommendations into your emails to create further upsell opportunities and drive interaction.

In-depth email analysis

Monitor the recovered revenue from your email campaigns. Empowering you to track the performance analytics and projected value of your re-engagement emails and providing detailed insights into shopper behaviour.


Engage customers with Email Sequences

Take your abandoned email strategy further. Using data, intelligence and automation, you can increase buyer confidence, re-engage lost visitors and deliver genuinely relevant emails that drive revenue.


Recover abandoned orders

Remind shoppers of the items they left in their basket with a sequence of Abandoned Order emails that increase in urgency.


Confirm voucher codes

Encourage abandoning shoppers to sign up for your mailing list in return for an incentive. Welcome these new subscribers with an email to confirm the voucher code and prompt your shopper to return to the buying funnel.


Create upsell opportunities

Nurture shoppers by sending relevant post-purchase Recommendations directly to your customer's inbox using the Post-Purchase Recommendations campaign.

Try for Free

By submitting the form you agree to be contacted to arrange a demo and receive marketing communications from Salesfire. You can unsubscribe at any time. See our Privacy Policy for full details.

Live on your site in minutes

Integrate Salesfire solutions directly into your site with as little as one line of code. We’ll collaborate closely and work alongside you every step of the way to ensure you're getting the very best of the Salesfire, whatever your platform.

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Salesfire targets areas of the customer journey that have the greatest influence on revenue and behaviour to empower your visitors and accelerate your conversions.